"PALS" by Bill Me Lone, who gets most of his picture inspiration from photographs.
Most everyone will recognize Frankie Russell
8x10 photo print $1.50. Mac Lone Studios po box 9012 Queen Anne Sto. Seattle 9,
Wash. Set of latest catalogs: $1.
Art Bob.
THE PROUD NEW LOOK displays the joy
of both Jr. and Pop (who is a ballet dancer no doubt) over their fine new car. ArtBob 1611 N. Avenue 56, Los Angeles 42, Calif.
8x10 prints $1.
PORNOGRAPHY FROM ABROAD. Recently we have received letters from a few customers telling us they had no further use for our photos since they were able to get complete nudes and in some cases pornographic photographs from firms in Europe. While it is true that some European countries permit complete nudes, none permit the transmission of outright pornography (that is studies showing sexual excitement, fornication etc.). However, even those countries which permit nudes themselves do not permit them to be mailed into countries which forbid them, and the postal authorities of both countries work in close conjunction with one another.
All incoming foreign mail passes through customs, and if a person receives a package or even a heavy letter from address on the suspected list, it may well be turned back at customs if inspection reveals nude photos, and at the same time a record is made of the addressee for future reference. Occasionally a studio offering such material may get by for a few months before prosecution proceedings are begun. More often than not, the customer who has orders in with such firms at the time they are put out of business just loses his money.
Please understand that we are not sitting ourselves up as judges of what is proper and not proper. The fact that the firms displaying their photos in Physique Pictorial do not take or sell nudes does not mean they consider them offensive--only legally dangerous. We agree with the Church of England that a man's moral obligations are quite separate from his legal obligations--and therefore we feel that the state has no more business in forbidding even outright pornography, than they would in making it illegal to let a man eat off the floor or wearing tin clothes if he should take a mind to. But society so fears its inability to resist "contamination" that it feels it must apply strong sanctions against behaviour and practices which the majority agree to be undesirable.
Thus our thinking is that instead of open flaunting of laws, even though they be unreasonable, those interested in freedom of expression should assist in the gradual education of the people to accept the display of the body as a natural and beautiful thing. The American Sunbathing and Health Association Mays Landing NJ has an active program to promote wholesome nudism. The American Civil Liberties Union 170 Fifth Ave NY 10 NY has an active program to fight unreasonable and arbitrary censorship which is in violation of the US Constitution.